Our Structure
Steering Committee
The strategic direction and executive efforts of the HKLN Drug Strategy
The HKLN Drug Strategy is a partnership of over 50 organizations and/or departments across the three counties working directly or indirectly in social services and healthcare. There are about 85 individual members on our group and email list, and we expect more to be involved as we embark on developing a strategy with them. Current members include the Health Unit, police forces, fire departments, EMS, treatment services, pharmacists, non-profit groups, mental health groups, youth services, social services and family health teams
Duties of Members
- Provide advice to the HKLN Drug Strategy and Steering Committee
- Attend, prepare for, and participate in meetings
- Represent individual agencies/groups (if one), and communicate between it and the HKLN DS Committee
- Share relevant agency/group/individual updates with other Members
- Participate in discussions and decision-making
- Propose and contribute to initiatives that align with the Drug Strategy’s vision, guiding principles, and objectives
- Participate in collaborative initiatives
- Support the work of other members, through partnerships, promotion of services, and referrals
- Elect a Chair and/or have rotating members take on Chair responsibilities on an annual basis
While operational decisions are made by the Coordinators and Steering Committee, Working Groups comprised of HKLN Drug Strategy Members make